Ultimate Membership Pro is the newest and the best Membership WordPress Plugin that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Users based on simple Free packages or Payed packages.
You can turn on your Website into a income supply by protecting your valuable content or only part of it.
Protect your: Pages, Products, Categories, any URL, Content Sections, Images, Menu, anything and set a Redirect or Replace Content Rule.
Membership Pro let you create Unlimited No. of Users and Levels into a simple Registration Process keeping the Users synchronized with WordPress Users. So, the users will be able to use the WP for WooCommerce purpose also.
Provides all the best ways to keep and manage your registrations emails in a dedicated Marketing Platform for further purpose. 9 Email Marketing Platforms are available:MailChimp, MailPoet, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, MyMail, iContact, GetResponse, MadMimi.
Visual Composer Page Builder is one of the best Page Builder for WordPress on the wwww. If you are using it, now you can play and manage your Membership Forms, Membership Pages and Content Lockers directly from Visual Composer.
Everything what you needs for a proper Membership Workflow or a Directory Section,Ultimate Membership PRO will allow you to accomplish.
With a great intuitive Dashboard, you will finish your settings in minutes and your website will be ready to protect your contents.